.xml. Note that the language should be the same as activated in the preparation step (fr_FR is not the same as fr_CA).
Example file name: AD_Element_Trl_fr_FR.xml
Log in with the System Administrator Role. In the Window “Translation Import/Export” leave the Client and Table selection empty and select
your Language. Click on Import and just select the directory where the xml files reside. The translation is now applied to your system.
Creating a new Language
Steps required to translate
The naming convention is based Java locale identifiers. The “language” English UK uses the base English language, but uses the UK date format dd/MM/yy. The example used here is Français in France (fr_FR).
With the System Administrator role start the Workflow Language Setup or start Window Language and add the new language as a System Language (example: Language=fr_FR, Name=Français). Start the Verify Translation process in the Language window to create entries for the new language.
Missing translations are copied from the base language (en_US).
You need to modify the class org.openXpertya.util.Language in the “looks” project. This is unfortunately required as when you first start the client, the database is unknown and with that also the available languages.
Locate the Languages static array and add the line:
[ul]new Language (“Français”, “fr_FR”, Locale.FRANCE, null, null);[/ul]
If you set the last two parameters to null, the default for the decimal point and date format
are derived from the locale. If the Java Runtime system does not have a predefined locale
(LocaleFRANCE in the example), you need to define the two parameters.
In the “client”, “dbPort”, “install” and “looks” modules – copy and translate the files:
[ul]org.openXpertya.apps.ALoginRes.java ==> ALoginRes_fr.java (login screen)[/ul]
[ul]org.openXpertya.db.DBRes.java ==> DBRes_fr.java (connection screen)[/ul]
[ul]org.openXpertya.install.SetupRes ==> SetupRes_fr.java (server setup)[/ul]
[ul]org.openXpertya.plaf.PlafRes.java ==> PlafRes_fr.java (user interface option screen)[/ul]
[ul]org.openXpertya.util.IniRes.java ==> IniRes_fr.java (license dialog)[/ul]