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  • #65028

    Estimados, estoy usando la versión 21 con factura electrónica e impresión QR hace tiempo y funciona muy bien.
    Hoy por primera vez tuve que emitir una Factura de Crédito Electrónica (MiPyme)y me da el siguiente error:

    OBS: 10216 Si informa comprobante MiPyMEs (FCE) del tipo Factura, es obligatorio informar opcional por RG con ID 27 y su valor correspondiente. Valores esperados SCA = ‘TRANSFERENCIA AL SISTEMA DE CIRCULACION ABIERTA’ o ADC = ‘AGENTE DE DEPOSITO COLECTIVO’;

    Les agradeceré si me pueden ayudar a solucionar el error.

    Federico Cristina

    Buenas, muy probablemente ese error se deba a un nuevo requisito incorporado por parte de AFIP, el cual fue posterior a la versión 21.

    Para solucionarlo, deberías utilizar el siguiente archivo en lugar de tu versión actual del módulo de facturación electrónica:

    Avisame si necesitás orientación sobre cómo instalar esta nueva versión.



    Gracias Federico!!!
    Bajé el archivo que me indicaste en /ServidorOXP/lib/plugin y ejecuté ConfigurarAuto.bat.
    Tendría que hacer algo más?

    Me sigue dando este error, lo cual es lógico porque no le pude indicar el SCA o ADC, no veo el campo en la pantalla de facturación:
    Error al registrar la factura. java.lang.Exception: Para comprobante MiPyMEs (FCE) del tipo Factura debe especificar SCA (Sistema de Circulación Abierta) o ADC (Agentes de Depósito Colectivo) mediante una preferencia con nombre: LYEI_WSFE_OPCIONALES_MIPYME_SCA_O_ADC

    Tengo instalado (después de instalar el archivo nuevo):
    System Core 22.0 change log: 2480087
    Locale: AR 1.8 change log 1056965
    Factura Electrónica 2.2 change log: 1860414

    Este es el log después de ejecutar el cambio:

    *** 2022-03-03 10:36:56.174 OpenXpertya Log (CLogFile) ***
    10:36:55.979 CLogMgt.setLevel: CONFIG [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.load: C:\ServidorOXP\ [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: JavaHome=C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_131 [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Version=1.8.0_131 [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testOXP: OK: OXPHome = C:\ServidorOXP [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.<init>: C:\ServidorOXP\keystore\myKeystore [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getKeyStore: C:\ServidorOXP\keystore\myKeystore [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getKeyStore: Proveedor=SUN version 1.8 – Tipo=JKS [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getCertificate: Alias=libertya [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getCertificate: Creado=Mon Jan 06 00:52:06 ART 2020 [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getCertificate: RSA [1]
    10:36:55.979 KeyStoreMgt.getCertificate: X.509 [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testOXP: OK: KeyStore = C:\ServidorOXP\keystore\myKeystore [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: AppsServer = Escritorio/ [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Deploy Directory = C:\ServidorOXP\jboss\server\openXpertya\deploy [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testPort: Escritorio/ – Connection refused: connect [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testServerPort: – created [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: JNPPort = 1099 [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testPort: Not used=http://Escritorio:80/ [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testServerPort: – created [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Web Port = 80 [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testPort: Not used=https://Escritorio:443/ [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testServerPort: – created [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: SSL Port = 443 [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Database Server = Escritorio/ [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testPort: Escritorio/ – Socket[addr=Escritorio/,port=5432,localport=50478] [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Database Port = 5432 [1]
    10:36:55.979 Driver.loadDefaultProperties: Loading driver configuration via classloader {0} (sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@25154f) [1]
    10:36:55.979 Driver.connect: Connecting with URL: {0} (jdbc:postgresql://Escritorio:5432/template1) [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.<init>: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.0.0.jre6 [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.setDefaultFetchSize: setDefaultFetchSize = {0} (0) [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.setPrepareThreshold: setPrepareThreshold = {0} (5) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Trying to establish a protocol version 3 connection to {0} (Escritorio:5432) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Receive Buffer Size is {0} (65536) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Send Buffer Size is {0} (65536) [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: System Connection = jdbc:postgresql://Escritorio:5432/template1 [1]
    10:36:55.979 Driver.connect: Connecting with URL: {0} (jdbc:postgresql://Escritorio:5432/libertya) [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.<init>: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.0.0.jre6 [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.setDefaultFetchSize: setDefaultFetchSize = {0} (0) [1]
    10:36:55.979 PgConnection.setPrepareThreshold: setPrepareThreshold = {0} (5) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Trying to establish a protocol version 3 connection to {0} (Escritorio:5432) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Receive Buffer Size is {0} (65536) [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl: Send Buffer Size is {0} (65536) [1]
    10:36:55.979 Config.test: OK: Database User = libertya [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testPort: – Socket[,port=25,localport=50481] [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testMailServer: OK: SMTP Server contacted [1]
    ===========> ConfigurationData.testPort: Open Socket – Connection timed out: connect [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testMailServer: POP3 Server NOT available [1]
    ===========> ConfigurationData.testPort: Open Socket – Connection timed out: connect [1]
    10:36:55.979 ConfigurationData.testMailServer: IMAP4 Server NOT available [1]
    10:36:55.979 EMail.send: ( -> [] [1]
    10:36:55.979 EMail.setContent: (simple) OpenXpertya Server Setup Test [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: load HOME [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: new MailcapFile: file C:\Users\MAPA\.mailcap [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: load SYS [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: new MailcapFile: file C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre\lib\mailcap [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: load JAR [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: getResources [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: URL jar:file:/C:/ServidorOXP/lib/mail.jar!/META-INF/mailcap [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: new MailcapFile: InputStream [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: text/plain;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: text/plain [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: content-handler, Class: com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: text/html;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_html [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: text/html [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: content-handler, Class: com.sun.mail.handlers.text_html [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: text/xml;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_xml [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: text/xml [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: content-handler, Class: com.sun.mail.handlers.text_xml [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: multipart/*;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.multipart_mixed; x-java-fallback-entry=true [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: multipart/* [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: content-handler, Class: com.sun.mail.handlers.multipart_mixed [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: message/rfc822;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.message_rfc822 [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: message/rfc822 [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: content-handler, Class: com.sun.mail.handlers.message_rfc822 [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: successfully loaded mailcap file from URL: jar:file:/C:/ServidorOXP/lib/mail.jar!/META-INF/mailcap [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: load DEF [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: new MailcapFile: InputStream [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: image/gif;; x-java-view=com.sun.activation.viewers.ImageViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: image/gif [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: view, Class: com.sun.activation.viewers.ImageViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: image/jpeg;; x-java-view=com.sun.activation.viewers.ImageViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: image/jpeg [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: view, Class: com.sun.activation.viewers.ImageViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: text/*;; x-java-view=com.sun.activation.viewers.TextViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: text/* [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: view, Class: com.sun.activation.viewers.TextViewer [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: parse: text/*;; x-java-edit=com.sun.activation.viewers.TextEditor [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Type: text/* [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Command: edit, Class: com.sun.activation.viewers.TextEditor [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: Merging commands for type text/* [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: successfully loaded mailcap file: /META-INF/mailcap.default [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: MailcapCommandMap: createDataContentHandler for text/plain [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: search DB #1 [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: got content-handler [1]
    10:36:55.979 activation.log: class com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.protocolConnect: useEhlo true, useAuth true [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.protocolConnect: useEhlo true, useAuth true [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.openServer: trying to connect to host “”, port 25, isSSL false [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.openServer: connected to host “”, port: 25
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “SIZE”, arg “35882577” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “8BITMIME”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “STARTTLS”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “PIPELINING”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “CHUNKING”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “SMTPUTF8”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.protocolConnect: useEhlo true, useAuth true [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.protocolConnect: useEhlo true, useAuth true [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.openServer: trying to connect to host “”, port 25, isSSL false [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.openServer: connected to host “”, port: 25
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “SIZE”, arg “35882577” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “8BITMIME”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “STARTTLS”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “PIPELINING”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “CHUNKING”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.ehlo: Found extension “SMTPUTF8”, arg “” [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.sendMessage: use8bit true [1]
    10:36:55.979 smtp.issueSendCommand: got response code 530, with response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. bl16-20020a056808309000b002d43b28a8bdsm1025661oib.14 – gsmtp
    10:36:55.979 smtp.sendMessage: MessagingException while sending [1]
    com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. bl16-20020a056808309000b002d43b28a8bdsm1025661oib.14 – gsmtp

    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.issueSendCommand(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.mailFrom(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send(
    at org.openXpertya.util.EMail.send(
    at org.openXpertya.install.ConfigurationData.testMailServer(
    at org.openXpertya.install.ConfigurationData.testMail(
    at org.openXpertya.install.ConfigurationData.test(
    at org.openXpertya.install.SilentSetup.<init>(
    at org.openXpertya.install.SilentSetup.main(

    ===========> EMail.send: send(ME) – ValidUnsent: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. bl16-20020a056808309000b002d43b28a8bdsm1025661oib.14 – gsmtp
    ———–> ConfigurationData.testMailServer: Could NOT send Email to [1]
    ———–> ConfigurationData.testMail: Not verified EMail = [1]
    10:36:55.979 C:\ServidorOXP\ [1]
    10:36:55.979 SilentSetup.<init>: Starting Ant … [1]

    *** 2022-03-03 11:05:28.92 OpenXpertya Log (CLogFile) ***

    Federico Cristina

    Buenas, es correcto lo que hiciste. Por las dudas, fijate de quitar la versión anterior del módulo de facturación electrónica que se encuentra en C:\ServidorOXP\lib\plugins (verificar nombre del archivo jar, probablemente se llame o similar), dejando para facturacion electrónica solo el jar que te comenté previamente (para evitar conflicto de versiones), y reconfigurá

    Por último deberás generar una preferencia correspondiente a esta configuración, en la ventana de valores predeterminados:

    Valor: SCA o ADC según corresponda.

    Si tenés cierto background técnico, también es factible realizarlo por SQL:

    INSERT INTO AD_PREFERENCE VALUES ( (SELECT NEXTVAL(‘seq_ad_preference’)), 1010016, 0, ‘Y’, now(), 101, now(), 101, NULL, NULL, ‘LYEI_WSFE_OPCIONALES_MIPYME_SCA_O_ADC’, ‘SCA’, NULL, NULL );



    Hola Federico, gracias por tu respuesta!
    Sí, la versión anterior del .jar la eliminé y dejé solamente la nueva que me indicaste.
    Cómo puedo confirmar que el sistema tomó la reconfiguración? El log aparentemente no dio errores, pero quisiera validarlo desde la aplicación. Se puede?.

    Otra pregunta, para configurar los nuevos valores predeterminados, Ingreso con System?, Voy a Configuración–>Datos–>Valores Predeterminados… y cómo sigo: Genero una preferencia nueva?

    Para el query estoy ingresando desde el PgAdmin. Cuando intento hacerlo me da ERROR: no existe la columna «‘seq_ad_preference’»

    Gracias nuevamente por tu ayuda!!!!!


    Federico Cristina


    Si ejecutaste el ConfigurarAuto.bat, ya debería haber tomado la nueva versión.

    La preferencia la podés crear desde el perfil Configuración de la Compañía, y creando una nueva preferencia, tal como comentás.

    En cuanto a la alternativa de realizar la actividad mediante query, desde el pgAdmin probá a ejecutar primero:

    set search_path to libertya;

    y luego el query con el INSERT.


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